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Tired of All of the Profanity on YouTube? That’s About To Change

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Youtube Comment
Do this: click on ten videos on YouTube and go down to the comment section. I am willing to thrown down some money to bet that at least six of them will either have: offensive comments; arguments that have nothing to do with the video itself; someone telling another to die. It never fails.
Ah, YouTube. What started out as a place for people to openly upload favorite videos and share amongst others has become a haven of negativity, ignorance and disgust thanks to thousands of users (only known by their user name) who can’t seem to behave. It really is appalling, and I’m clearly not the only one who thinks so.
Youtube Comment

YouTube announced this week that they will begin to ask user’s on YouTube if they want to sync their account with their Google Plus account (Google is the owner of YouTube). In effect, this will reveal the true names of people who post comments on YouTube, so the anonymity goes right out the window. Of course, YouTube can not force this to happen, but they are hoping and are confident that many users will go along for the ride.
This ability to change how you are shown on YouTube actually started about three weeks ago, where users openly had the option to change how they would be shown. But to be prompted by YouTube when you leave a comment has only recently begun.
As PC World has shown, this prompt is not just a simple “yes

Pawan Sharma (Vicky) is the founder of GetsUpdates.com . He Holds a B.tech Degree in CSE(Computer Science). As he always try to help people by applying some of his knowledge and tips, he always follow his tag line "Sharing is Caring" . Sharing knowledge will make it worthy. He is good in Logic's , and love to sing & listen to music , Apart from this, he have geek interest in "Chess" & "Logical Game".


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