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Apple and Samsung’s Water proof Technology | Waterproof Gadgets

Guest Post By Abie
Water Proof Mobile Technology
Smartphones are one of the leading gadgets and the most in demand today. Aside from its enticing appearance, they have unique and innovative features, which people patronize and look forward to. Let’s take Siri as the best example, which is very popular since Apple released the iPhone 4s. Who would have thought that you could have your own “personal secretary

Pawan Sharma (Vicky) is the founder of GetsUpdates.com . He Holds a B.tech Degree in CSE(Computer Science). As he always try to help people by applying some of his knowledge and tips, he always follow his tag line "Sharing is Caring" . Sharing knowledge will make it worthy. He is good in Logic's , and love to sing & listen to music , Apart from this, he have geek interest in "Chess" & "Logical Game".


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